MD Lynching Truth & Reconciliation Commission Town Hall
September 16, 2020 @ 6:00PM — 8:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The Lessons of Lynching

Say their names. Howard Cooper. George Armwood. Matthew Williams. Henry Davis. Sidney Randolph. These five men are mature adults and teenagers, married and single, fathers and sons, preachers, laymen, and laborers, and are among the many African American men who were accused of crimes or misdemeanors against members of Maryland’s white community and were lynched by ‘persons unknown.’ All were killed without benefit of the justice they deserved having been born in the United States. Racial hatred adjudged them an unjust fate.
On September 16th, from 6pm to 8pm, the Maryland Lynching Truth & Reconciliation Commission will present, Lessons of Lynching, a panel to discuss the tragic circumstances, residual vestiges, and frightening reminders of the bigotry which allowed these acts to occur without redress in the 19th and 20th century history of our state. Five Commissioners will address these race based injustices and how the organization has begun to visualize and implement a path toward reconciliation through honest commemoration and discussion amidst the racial conflict currently engulfing much of America today.
The following members of the Maryland Lynching Truth & Reconciliation Commission will take part in the program:
- DeNeen Brown (University of Maryland College Park, Journalism)
- Charles Chavis, PhD (George Mason University)
- Nicholas Creary, PhD (University of Iowa, Maryland Lynching Memorial Project)
- David Falkunle, PhD, (National Great Blacks in Wax Museum)
- Carl Snowden, (NAACP Maryland State Conference)
The Commissioners will share their reflections on this topic and on the work of the Commission. Following the panelists' presentations, there will be a question and answer session from the virtual audience as moderated by Commissioner Snowden.
Please join us for a frank conversation about disturbing acts whose racist causes and consequences continue to haunt and motivate us today.
The Maryland Lynching Memorial Project will provide the virtual platform to host this event.
The program is free, but you must register to attend.
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Topic: MD LTRC Town Hall
Time: Sep 16, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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